Funerals are a time of great sorrow in our lives. Whether the death was expected or not, we find ourselves dealing with loss and grief. Rural communities usually step in to do all they can for a family who experience grief, to try and ease the burden. The ‘Wake’ is a helpful time for families to come to terms with their loss and receive an expression of sympathy from their neighbours and friends. The family also have the onerous task of preparing the funeral liturgy. The priest will endeavour to help prepare this liturgy by providing the family with a choice of scripture readings, hymns and prayers. It is worth mentioning that the prime task of a funeral is to offer the person to God on behalf of the gathered community. The secondary function is to recall the life of the person. For this reason the church asks that the music for a funeral be spiritual, and that the readings come from scripture.
At a typical service, the family can appoint two readers for the Old Testament and New Testament readings. The funeral readings can be chosen from one of these if desired. View Readings Here
Prayers of the Faithful
The family can appoint one, or a number of adults or children to pray the prayers of the faithful. (Read Here)
The family may want to bring forward gifts representing the persons life. We recommend that this be done at the beginning of the service rather than at the offertory. This practice is not compulsory. If nothing comes to mind to bring up, then maybe that’s fitting for this person. Things such as a cap, or a packet of cigarettes, should not be considered as a unique gift of the deceased.
The family should appoint two people to bring up the gifts of bread and wine for the service.
There are many beautiful reflections available that the family might find comforting. One of these may be read after communion. Some people may take a moment to offer a word of thanks to those who helped them in their bereavement at this time.
The Funeral Undertakers in this area are:
Shaun McGlynn, Dungloe @ 074 95 21197.
Stephen O’Donnell, Crolly @ 074 9548888
Local Florist: Mary McGinley Tel: 086 809 8008, 074 95 22122